Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)
GFRAS is the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services and its vision is to see rural advisory services effectively contributing to the sustainable reduction of hunger and poverty world. GFRAS mission is to provide advocacy and leadership on rural advisory services within the global development agenda. It has 3 functions: Providing voice for advisory services within global policy dialogues and promoting improved investment in RAS;Supporting the development and synthesis of evidence-based approaches and policies for improving the effectiveness of RAS; and Strengthening actors and fora in RAS through facilitating interaction and networking.
Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS):
APRIRAS network aims at promoting improved and expanded agriculture support services and thereby contributing to the reduction of poverty and hunger in Asia and the Pacific Islands. It aims at providing leadership and co-ordination in defining direction of extension and advisory support services in the region. It advocates for continuous progressive policy reform and its major focus is on capacity building, policy advocacy, networking, and monitoring and evaluation.
African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS ) :
African forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is the umbrella organisation for agricultural advisory services (AAS) in Africa. Its objective is to create efficient, effective and synergistic linkages and partnerships among AAS of member countries to improve the delivery of these services to farmers. It works in 16 countries.
Latin America Network for Rural Extension Services (RELASER):
RELASER is the Latin American Network of Rural Extension Services and its goal is to create mechanisms for collaboration and opportunities for dialogue and learning, for strengthening the rural extension systems in Latin America. It aims at contributing to improving the competitiveness, sustainability and fairness of agricultural and agrifood sectors, and rural areas by strengthening rural extension as part of an innovation system.
International Academy of Rural Advisors (IALB):
The International Academy of Rural Advisors (IALB) is an international platform on which rural consultants can exchange information and experiences. The IALB includes members from Germany,Austria,Switzerland and south Tyrol, as well as from many other European countries. Its common Language is German. The IALB provides services to individuals and corporate bodies in the fields of education and official and private consultancy, as well as to service providers in ruralareas.
Swiss Forum on Rural Advisory Services (SFRAS):
SFRAS is an informal group of experts from Swiss development, research, education and private sector organisations, who are involved in Rural Advisory Services (RAS) in developing countries.Its objectives include: exchange and learn from each other, particularly on good practices and tools in RAS; have space for networking among members of different institutions (public, private, NGOs); coordinate advocacy and lobbying on RAS in order to keep it high on the agenda in international cooperation.
Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Network (BAEN)
Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Network (BAEN) aims at Sustainable growth in agricultural productivity through identification, documentation and dissemination of good agricultural practices and extension approaches for environment friendly socio-economic growth in Bangladesh. Major objectives of the network are, Identifying, documenting and disseminating good agricultural practices and extension approaches, Developing innovation in extension approaches, Strengthening capacity of the extension professional, Supporting research for socio-eco-friendly sustainable agricultural productivity, Promoting awareness, knowledge sharing and networking for building effective and efficient extension and advisory services nationally, regionally and globally