Outstanding Rice Landraces in India and Community-Managed Seed Systems
Rice landraces hold immense value, not only for their genetic diversity but also for their profound connections to local cultures. As we face the dual [...]
Strengthening EAS in Bangladesh Through Public-Private Partnerships
I could see a lot of scope for enhancing the quality and coverage of Extension and Advisory Services through forging partnerships between the public and [...]
Last Mile Program (LMP) Learning Sharing and Engaging RAS Stakeholders
কৃষি, মৎস্য ও প্রাণিসম্পদ সেক্টরে যুবসমাজকে আরো সম্পৃক্ত করতে হবে। কারন এসকল সেক্টরে সবচেয়ে বেশি উদ্যোক্তা হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা ও সুযোগ রয়েছে। আধুনিক ও ইনোভেটিভ টেকনোলজির মাধ্যমে [...]
Dragon farming boosts Rajshahi’s agro-based entrepreneurship
Dragon fruit farming has started boosting agro-based entrepreneurship as many people built fortunes through its cultivation in the region, including its vast Barind tract. Many [...]
Vertical Farming: Propelling agriculture into a new era of sustainability
Vertical farming can provide sustainable solutions to meet the challenges of the future by maximising space, conserving water and mitigating the impact of climate change [...]
Empowering India’s Small-Scale Tea Growers
Tea growers face a lot of problems. Fluctuation in price of the green leaf is one of the most important challenges faced by small tea [...]